My Association
All homeowners in Twelve Oaks are members of the Twelve Oaks Homeowners' Association! The Annual Assessment is paid by all members, and the fees contribute to the upkeep of Community Name's common elements.
The Association was established to protect your investment and enhance the value of the property owned by each of its members. This is accomplished by providing for the physical maintenance and operation of the shared property, enforcing the Regulations and Architectural Controls, and setting up an effective communications system among members. For a closer look at the operations of the Association, please view the annual budget.
As a non-profit organization, Associations are led by a Board of Directors, assigned the responsibility of acting in the best interest of all homeowners.
To assure each homeowner of a well-run organization, a Managing Agent is an integral part of the Association’s operations. The Managing Agent is responsible for guiding and assisting the Association, helping owners with problems or questions, and carrying out the policies and decisions made by the Board of Directors. To learn more about your Managing Agent, visit the Towne Properties page, available under the About option found on the navigation bar.
Associations are governed by a set of legal documents which establish the Association, regulate its operation, and provide rules for use of property within the community. These Governing Documents consist of the following:
  • Articles of Incorporation: Establishes the Association as a legal entity
  • By-Laws: Implements the provisions regarding the Association’s operations, including the election procedures, powers and duties, and enforcement process
  • Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCRs): Provides the rights, obligations, and restrictions for each owner in the Association